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As April 14th gets closer, we hear the koha bird’s sweet call. It’s a time of excitement because we’re getting ready to celebrate the Sinhala and Tamil New Year. But Beyond the preparations and anticipation, let’s delve into what makes this day extraordinary – the joy of family bonds.

Amidst the aroma of delicious sweets and the excitement of new clothes, let’s not forget the unsung heroes of the day – our parents. While we eagerly look forward to the celebrations, it’s our parents who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make it all happen. They sacrifice their time, energy, and resources to ensure we have everything we need to enjoy the day to the fullest.

From the break of dawn, the kitchen becomes the heart of the home as mothers and grandmothers lovingly prepare a variety of traditional treats – Milk rice, kokis, kawum, aluwa, athilasa, mun kawum, pani walalu, and more. So it is obvious that the warmth coming from the stove and the tiredness starting to weigh on them.Yet, our mothers keep going with unwavering determination.

Why? Just to see the smiles on our faces as we enjoy every delicious bite. They push through the challenges of the kitchen, driven by their love for us and the desire to make our moments together full of happiness and closeness.

Also, I still remember the sparkle in my father’s eyes as he watched us eagerly trying the new clothes he had lovingly selected for us. He didn’t need fancy gifts or extravagant gestures to feel happy. All he wanted was to see us smiling and enjoying ourselves. It was a powerful reminder of the love and sacrifice that our parents makefor us every single day.

So, as we gather with our families to usher in the new year, let’s take a moment to appreciate the little things. The laughter shared over a plate of homemade sweets,the warmth of a hug from a loved one, the joy of being surrounded by those who mean the most to us. Let’s put down our phones, step away from the distractions of daily life, and truly immerse ourselves in the magic of the moment. (Face the reality:no amount of likes on social media can compare to the warmth of a real, heartfelt hug.)

So here’s to embracing family traditions, cherishing the moments spent with our loved ones, and making this Awurudu a celebration to remember.

From my family to yours, I wish you all a joyous and prosperous new year filled with love, laughter, and plenty of kokis!

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