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International Human Solidarity Day

Solidarity is the awareness of shared interests and objectives that create a psychological sense of unity in the society. The United Nations recognizes solidarity as the predominant means of eradicating global poverty. Accordingly, the International Human Solidarity Day is observed annually on the 20th of December emphasizing on the importance of global solidarity. 

The principal mission is to recognize the universal value of solidarity by raising the member states’ awareness on global poverty objectives and initiatives, as well as to formulate and share poverty reduction strategies among sovereign nations worldwide. It further entails promoting a culture of cooperation, equality and social justice. The International Human Solidarity Day inspires governments to respect international agreements and equally address other existing social barriers. It is interesting to note that the International Human Solidarity Day theme is not changed every year by the United Nations. 

This special day centers around discussing the need for world solidarity. It also provides us with the opportunity to celebrate our unity in diversity. Moreover, the day serves as an encouragement to hold debates on topics such as achieving the Sustainable Development Goals including the eradication of poverty, hunger and disease. 

International Human Solidarity Day is promoted by the World Solidarity Fund and the United Nations Development Programme, both of which are dedicated to achieving global poverty eradication goals. Individuals can participate by contributing to education or by assisting the underprivileged or the physically or mentally disabled.

Therefore, it is critical to recognize the value of solidarity and uphold it on all occasions, not only on this day when we commemorate International Human Solidarity Day.

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