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Alyssa Carson

Born in the town of Baton Rouge, Louisiana – this lady has always dreamt of being an astronaut. And being true to her word, Alyssa Carson worked for it every single day. She graduated from the Advanced Possum Space Academy at the young age of 16, making her the youngest graduate ever while also being the youngest person to be accepted into the International Space University.

At the Florida Institute of Technology, Carson studied astrobiology, and she will continue her studies at the University of Arkansas by pursuing a PhD in space and planetary science. She was first motivated to become an astronaut as a young child, and at age 5, she started her training by enrolling in NASA space camps. She never lost interest in studying the cosmos over the years. The only person to visit every NASA location and finish their passport program is Carson, who participated in 19 of their space camps. She was chosen as one of the top five global influencers in 2022 to work with NATO, generally known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

Carson’s unwavering dedication towards achieving her dreams is what has brought her here today. She is one of the 7 ambassadors from around the world representing MarsOne, a mission to establish a human colony on Mars in the early 2030s.

Carson started the Blueberry Foundation because people called her “Blueberry” when she was at a space camp. The foundation helps other kids who love science and math like she does. They give scholarships to the Space Camp Foundation to help more young people learn about space. Even when she was young, Carson believed that you could do anything if you worked hard enough. She wants other kids to know that too.

She has spent nearly two decades pursuing a desire that she has had since she was a young child, and she is now 22 years old. Carson is currently working on obtaining practical experience and keeping up her studies as she waits for NASA to start accepting applications for astronauts so that she will be the most qualified person to travel to Mars. She has also spoken at international conferences, modelled for publications, and travelled while doing so. Through social media, Carson created a name for herself and rose to prominence as a prominent figure in the STEM field.

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