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FOMO – The Modern Lucifer of Gen-Z

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is an anxiety situation one feels when one believes that others might be experiencing enjoyable or rewarding activities and opportunities while they aren’t. It is a phycological phenomenon driven by the fear of being left out or left behind. Comparison often fuels FOMO. When individuals constantly compare themselves to others, they may feel heightened. This can lead to increased anxiety and the fear of missing opportunities that others seem to enjoy. The person who experiences FOMO may feel a sense of pressure to be constantly connected, involved, or aware, fearing that they might miss something exciting or important.

Symptoms of FOMO

Constantly Checking Social Media:

They might often check their social media feeds to stay updated on what others are doing, ensuring they don’t miss out on any exciting events or experiences.

Attending Multiple Events:

They try to attend multiple events to avoid FOMO on potential fun.


It may lead people to overcommit even if they does not have the time or energy to fully enjoy or take part in each one.

Seeking Validation:

Individuals may seek validation and affirmation from others by sharing their own experiences or achievements on social media, seeking reassurance that they are not missing out and garnering attention or admiration from their peers.


Disconnecting is one of the worst symptoms of FOMO which is even a main cause of Depression. Some people may choose to disconnect or take a break from social media to reduce anxiety and pressures associates with FOMO. But it doesn’t work as they think.

In this AI world devil playground of social media, narrate the thrive where reality has been destroyed. The rise of social media platforms has created a constant stream of updates and highlights reels from others’ lives. When we are over connected with those things, it can trigger FOMO as individuals compare their own lives to seemingly glamorous online people. This digital connectivity immensely robbing our precious moments, authentic experiences, and the beauty of genuine human connections.

Genuine human connection is the deep and meaningful bond we form with others, based on authenticity, empathy, and mutual understanding. It goes beyond surface-level interactions and requires open-hearted engagement. Genuine connection involves active listening, vulnerability, and a willingness to share our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It is a space where we can be our true selves, free from judgment or pretence. It supplies emotional support, fosters personal growth, and promotes mental and physical well-being. Through genuine human connection, we create a sense of belonging, cultivate empathy and understanding, and experience the joy of shared moments. It is the essence of our social fabric, nourishing our souls and enriching our lives.

It is crucial for individuals to be aware of the potential negative impact of FOMO and to find a healthy balance. Understanding that social media often portrays a curated version of reality, practicing self-care, focusing on genuine connections, and prioritizing personal well-being can help mitigate the effects of FOMO in today’s digital age.

FOMO is not just an anxiety situation. The inventors of FOMO are us. Overcoming FOMO is not an easy task as we think. It’s a process. It takes time. We must help our beloved people. They can’t overcome this individually. Yes, it takes time and we should have to be patient, should have to be understandable through their journey, offering guidance and encouragement when needed.

Feel free to do open communication. Encourage open and honest conversations about their feelings about FOMO. Create a safe space for them to express their concerns and anxiety without judgment. And don’t forget to validate their feelings.

FOMO, it’s the hidden Lucifer of our lives. Don’t let that demon take over yourself.

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